Sassy Social Share Premium

Comparison Between Sassy Social Share Pro and Premium

Sassy Social Share is the best social share plugin used by more than 100000 websites all around the globe. Learn more
FREE Version Paid versions with extra features and Add-ons
Sassy Social Share Sassy Social Share Premium Sassy Social Share Pro
Was $49.99
Was $33.99
All FREE features
All FREE features
Includes Add-on Recover Social Share Counts
Includes Add-on Recover Social Share Counts
Includes the Add-on Social Share myCRED Integration
Includes the Add-on Social Share myCRED Integration
Includes the Add-on Social Sharing Analytics
Includes the Add-on Social Sharing Analytics
Themes and Animations for Social Share and Social Media Follow Icons
Themes and Animations for Social Share and Social Media Follow Icons
Show social shares when the total share count for a web page reaches certain number
Show social shares when the total share count for a web page reaches certain number
Show social share counts without depending on any APIs and API Keys
Show social share counts without depending on any APIs and API Keys
Track social shares for every social share icon you have integrated
Track social shares for every social share icon you have integrated
Truth Social Share and Social Follow Icons
Truth Social Share and Social Follow Icons
Minds Social Share and Social Follow Icons
Minds Social Share Icon and Social Follow Icons
Goodreads Social Share and Social Follow Icons
Goodreads Social Share and Social Follow Icons
Snapchat Social Share and Social Follow Icons
Snapchat Social Share and Social Follow Icons
Naver Share and Social Follow Icons
Naver Share and Social Follow Icons
Band Share and Social Follow Icons
Band Share and Social Follow Icons
Customize Open Graph Meta Tags and Twitter Card tags of each web page individually
Customize Open Graph Meta Tags and Twitter Card tags of each web page individually
Specify the Priority for the Social Share bar to appear at the web page
Specify the Priority for the Social Share bar to appear at the web page
Specify Pinterest Rich Pin Meta Tags of each web page individually
Specify Pinterest Rich Pin Meta Tags of each web page individually
Responsive Standard Social Share Icons
Responsive Standard Social Share Icons
Pinterest Pin button on hover of images
Pinterest Pin button on hover of images
Use your own custom icons for social sharing
Use your own custom icons for social sharing
Show social share icons in a layover popup
Show social share icons in a layover popup
Create multiple instances of social share bars with different set of icons in each instance
Create multiple instances of social share bars with different set of icons in each instance
Show number of shares of the web pages in the admin area
Show number of shares of the web pages in the admin area
Show “Click to Tweet” snippet in the content of the web pages
Show “Click to Tweet” snippet in the content of the web pages
Adjust position of standard icons at the web page with respect to other elements
Adjust position of standard icons at the web page with respect to other elements
Exclude Reaction Count and Comment Count from Facebook shares
Exclude Reaction Count and Comment Count from Facebook shares
Hide standard social share icons on mobile devices
Hide standard social share icons on mobile devices
Show floating share bar on scrolling the web page and hide just before reaching the bottom
Show floating share bar on scrolling the web page and hide just before reaching the bottom
Customize the text being shared
Customize the text being shared
Use placeholders post_title, site_title, site_url and post_url for the title of the article being shared, title of the website, URL of the website and the URL of the article being shared, respectively, in the Custom text to share
Use placeholders post_title, site_title, site_url and post_url for the title of the article being shared, title of the website, URL of the website and the URL of the article being shared, respectively, in the Custom text to share
Customize the subject and body of email share
Customize the subject and body of email share
Use values of the fields created by the Advanced Custom Fields PRO plugin in the content being shared
Use values of the fields created by the Advanced Custom Fields PRO plugin in the content being shared
