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1.1.58 [7-2-2024]
  • [New] Added Naver social share and social media follow icons
  • [New] Added Band social share and social media follow icons
  • [New] Added Mastodon icon in the social media follow icons
  • [New] Added fetch_shares_from_url parameter in the shortcode to fetch shares from the database of a website
  • [New] Added Line in the Follow Icons widget and social follow shortcode
  • [Bugfix] Social Shares column was appearing mis-aligned at the WooCommerce Products page in the admin area
  • [Bugfix] Gmail share icon was not there in the More share icons popup
  • [Bugfix] Options to show Floating share bar at the WooCommerce product pages were not present in the Placement option in the Floating Interface section at the General Options configuration page
  • [Bugfix] Inner logo in the Whatsapp share icon was mis-aligned
  • [Bugfix] Floating follow icons were not looking good in the mobile screen
  • [Bugfix] Vkontakte inner logo was mis-aligned in the social network selection option at the plugin configuration page in the admin area
  • [Improvement] Now using wp_add_inline_style to add inline CSS to the web page
  • [Improvement] Improved Facebook share and social media follow icon
  • [Improvement] Improved Mastodon share icon
  • [Improvement] Improved Gettr social share and social media follow icons
  • [Improvement] Improved Yahoo Mail social share icon
  • [Improvement] Improved Gmail social share icon
  • [Improvement] Improved Google Translate social share icon
  • [Improvement] Improved the More share icons popup
  • [Improvement] Updated the official Facebook SDK being used throughout the plugin to the latest version 19.0
  • [Improvement] Minor improvements
1.1.57 [18-12-2023]
  • [Bugfix] Truth Social icon was not appearing in the Follow Icons widget
  • [Bugfix] Fixed the background-colors of the Parler and Vkontakte icons in the Follow Icons widget
  • [Bugfix] Truth Social icon was not populating the title of the post along with its URL in the social share dialogue
  • [Bugfix] Added href attribute in the anchor tags for the Print, Email, Pinterest and Copy Link share icons to fix the -Links are not crawlable- warning in the Google Search Console
  • [Bugfix] Quotes present in the Email subject option in the Miscellaneous section was breaking the Email share functionality
  • [Improvement] Social share hyperlinks now have aria-label attributes making these accessible for screen-readers
  • [Improvement] Minor improvements
1.1.56 [3-11-2023]
  • [Bugfix] Linkedin share stopped working because of the changes in Linkedin API
  • [Bugfix] Youtube follow icon in the Follow Icons widget was redirecting to the URL of Facebook page
  • [Improvement] Improved social share icons for mobile devices
  • [Improvement] Logo color on hover (if specified in the Theme Selection section) was not looking good in the Print and Printfriendly share icons
  • [Improvement] Improved print share icon in the More popup
  • [Improvement] Improved the titles of the follow icons
  • [Improvement] Social media follow links now have “aria-label” attribute making these accessible for screen-readers
  • [Improvement] Minor improvements
1.1.55 [15-9-2023]
  • [New] Added Minds social share and social media follow icon
  • [Bugfix] Some social share animations were breaking the CSS of the website
  • [Bugfix] Apply icon color and background color from Theme Selection section option was not working in the follow icons widget
  • [Improvement] Improved Printfriendly icon in AMP and in the admin area
  • [Improvement] Follow icons will not appear in AMP when using shortcode for the same
  • [Improvement] Updated the official Facebook SDK being used throughout the plugin to the latest version 18.0
1.1.54 [16-8-2023]
  • [New] Added Microsoft Teams share icon in the social share networks
  • [New] Added X share icon in the social share networks
  • [New] Added Google Translate share icon in the social share networks
  • [New] Added Google Maps icon in the follow icons widget and shortcode
  • [New] Added Yelp icon in the follow icons widget and shortcode
  • [New] Added X icon in the follow icons widget and shortcode
  • [New] Added TikTok icon in the follow icons widget and shortcode
  • [New] Added Threads icon in the follow icons widget and shortcode
  • [New] Added Snapchat icon in the follow icons widget and shortcode
  • [Bugfix] Flickr icon was showing the logo of Behance in the follow icons shortcode
1.1.53 [17-5-2023]
  • [New] Added Google News in the social media follow widget
  • [Bugfix] Fixed Parler background-color in the More share popup
  • [Bugfix] Querystring parameters in the URL were being ommitted in the Email share dialogue
  • [Improvement] Improvement in the URL of Mixi social share
  • [Improvement] Mastodon share now prompts user to specify their Mastodon instance instead of directly sharing to
1.1.52 [5-4-2023]
  • [Bugfix] Background-color of Parler share icon was not correct in the popup that appears after clicking the More icon
  • [Improvements] Admin UI improvements
1.1.51 [31-3-2023]
  • [New] Added Google News, RSS Feed and Rutube social share icons
  • [Bugfix] Google Analytics was not working
  • [Bugfix] post_title in the Email Subject option was not being replaced with the actual title in the Subject of the Email share dialogue
  • [Bugfix] post_url in the Email Body option was not being encoded in the Email share dialogue which was breaking it if it had querystring parameters
  • [Bugfix] Email subject and Email Body customization options were taking precedence over the email_subject and email_body attributes of the [Sassy_Social_Share_Premium] shortcode
  • [Bugfix] AOL Mail and Yahoo Mail share icons were not picking the Email Subject and Email Message from corresponding options in the Miscellaneous section
  • [Bugfix] Email share was not working if there was a single quote in the Email subject or Email body specified for the Email share in the Miscellaneous section or in the email_subject and email_body attributes in the [Sassy_Social_Share_Premium] shortcode
  • [Bugfix] Print icon was sharing the URL at instead of triggering the Print dialogue of browser
  • [Bugfix] post_title in the Email Subject option was not being replaced with the actual title in the Subject of the Email share dialogue
  • [Improvement] Added href attribute in the anchor tags for the Facebook Messenger, Print, Email, Pinterest and Copy Link share icons to fix the -Links are not crawlable- warning in the Google Search Console
  • [Improvement] Improved Print icon
  • [Improvement] Updated the official Facebook SDK being used throughout the plugin to the latest version 16.0
  • [Improvement] Performance improvements
1.1.50 [6-1-2023]
  • [Bugfix] Truth Social icon was not visible when using custom icons for social share
  • [Bugfix] Truth Social and Parler icons were not looking good when share counter position for social share was Inner top or Inner bottom
1.1.49 [3-1-2023]
  • [Security] Fixed Cross-Site Scripting vulnerability exploit in the shortcodes
  • [New] Added Social Share and Social Media Follow icons for Truth Social
  • [New] Added an option in the Miscellaneous section to show social shares when the total share count for a web page reaches certain number
  • [Bugfix] style attribute was not working in the [Sassy_Follow_Icons] shortcode
  • [Bugfix] Fixed the background-color of the Gmail share icon
  • [Bugfix] Twitter shares were not being fetched properly from
  • [Improvement] Now nested fields created by the ACF Pro plugin can also be pulled in the custom text being shared
  • [Improvement] Updated the official Facebook SDK being used throughout the plugin to the latest version 15.0
1.1.47 [27-10-2022]
  • [New] Placeholders can be used to pull values from the fields created by the Advanced Custom Fields PRO plugin, in the Custom text to share and Email body options in the Miscellaneous section
  • [Bugfix] Custom text to share option was overriding the Email subject and Email body for Email share
  • [Improvement] Performance improvement
1.1.45 [24-9-2022]
  • [New] Added new sub-option NA in the og:type and og:availability post meta options accessible below the post editor in the admin area
  • [New] Added Rutube social share icon
  • [Bugfix] Single quote used in the Email Body in the Miscellaneous section was appearing with backslash in the Email share dialogue
  • [Bugfix] Email subject and Email Body customization options were not working for Gmail and Outlook share
  • [Bugfix] Evernote and Pocket social share icons were not working
  • [Bugfix] Youtube URL and Instagram Username were not being saved when saving in the Floating Interface section first
  • [Improvement] Improved More social share icon
  • [Improvement] Improved Parler, Evernote and Pocket icons
1.1.44 [15-8-2022]
  • [Improvement] Total shares icon was not looking good in the screens of mobile devices
  • [Improvement] Improved display of the share count in the third premium theme
1.1.43 [9-7-2022]
  • [New] Added an option in the Social Share Buttons section to continue using the free theme instead of the premium ones
  • [New] Social media follow shortcode now supports Gettr icon
  • [Improvement] Improved Gettr icon
  • [Improvement] Improved animations
1.1.42 [24-6-2022]
  • [New] Added Mastodon social share icon
  • [New] Added new themes and animations for social share and social media follow icons
  • [Improvement] Updated Gettr icon
  • [Improvement] Updated the official Facebook SDK being used throughout the plugin to the latest version 14.0
  • [Improvement] Performance improvement
1.1.41 [2-5-2022]
  • [Bugfix] Feature to use your own custom social share icons was not working
1.1.40 [30-3-2022]
  • [Bugfix] Gettr share icon was not sharing the title of the web page
  • [Bugfix] Gettr share icon was sharing on Facebook in AMP
  • [Bugfix] Center alignment for the Standard share bar was not working in AMP
1.1.39 [30-3-2022]
  • [Security] Fixed two XSS Vulnerability issues
  • [New] Added an option to left, center and right align the icons in the Sassy Social Share Premium - Follow Icons widget
  • [Bugfix] SMS share icon was not sharing the correct web page
  • [Bugfix] Center alignment for the social share icons was not working
  • [Bugfix] Copy Link share icon in the More popup was not working
  • [Bugfix] myCRED Points for Linkedin shares were not being rewarded
  • [Bugfix] Floating mode was not functional in the social media follow widget
  • [Improvement] Anchor HTML tag for the More share icon now has an HREF attribute
  • [Improvement] Updated the official Facebook SDK being used throughout the plugin to the latest version 13.0
1.1.38 [26-2-2022]
  • [Bugfix] Viber icon was not sharing the correct URL
  • [Bugfix] Selecting Right or Bottom counter position was not displaying the share counts with the icons
  • [Improvement] Improved the font-size of the share count being displayed with the social share icons
  • [Improvement] Minor improvements
1.1.37 [25-1-2022]
  • [New] Added Gettr social share and social media follow icon
  • [Improvement] Extra CSS files will not be loaded anymore if you change the logo color of the icons
  • [Improvement] Updated the Facebook JS SDK being used throughout the plugin to the latest version 12.0
  • [Improvement] Improved HTML of the social share and social media follow icons meeting the W3C standards
  • [Bugfix] Whatsapp share was not triggering the app in the mobile device
  • [Bugfix] Selecting Floating type in the Follow Icons widget was not triggering the relevant extra options
  • [Security] Fixed XSS vulnerability
1.1.36 [22-12-2021]
  • [Bugfix] Social share icons were not responding in some cases
  • [Bugfix] Share Counts were not stable when using the shortcode or widget with share counts enabled and Save Share Counts locally option enabled
1.1.34 [25-11-2021]
  • [Improvement] Options to specify starting share count were not appearing when only total share count was enabled
1.1.33 [30-9-2021]
  • [New] Added Koo and Snapchat in the social share icons
  • [New] Added Koo in the social media follow icons
  • [Improvement] Performance improvement
1.1.32 [20-8-2021]
  • [New] Added a new option that allows you to use the starting share counts saved in the Sassy free version
  • [New] Added new attributes email_subject and email_body in the shortcode for social sharing
  • [Bugfix] PHP 8 was breaking the functionality in a few cases
  • [Bugfix] Options to specify starting share count were not appearing for some social networks
  • [Improvement] Performance improvement
1.1.31 [21-7-2021]
  • [Improvement] Shortcodes [Sassy_Social_Share] and [Sassy_Social_Share_Pro] can also be used to integrate social share icons
1.1.30 [13-6-2021]
  • [Bugfix] Exisitng Social Share counts of the free plugin were being ignored when saving shares locally
  • [Bugfix] Share counts were not working for the new posts when shares were being saved locally
1.1.29 [8-6-2021]
  • [New] Added a new option to save social shares in the database of website
  • [New] Added Baidu social share icon
  • [Bugfix] Pinterest share icon was not working in AMP
  • [Bugfix] Floating share Bar was not appearing at the home page when Yoast SEO plugin was active
  • [Improvement] Compatible with PHP 8
  • [Improvement] Performance improvement
1.1.28 [11-5-2021]
  • [Bugfix] Previous update was causing the share counts to double, triple frequently
1.1.27 [10-5-2021]
  • [Bugfix] Integration with Google Analytics was not working because of the recent changes introduced in the Google Analytics
  • [New] Added a new option to save social shares in the database of your website instead of depending upon social APIs
1.1.26 [11-4-2021]
  • [Bugfix] Plugin was not working with PHP 8.0
1.1.25 [27-3-2021]
  • [Improvement] Updated Facebook JS SDK being used throughout the plugin to the latest version 10.0
1.1.24 [1-3-2021]
  • [Improvement] Performance improvement
1.1.23 [11-2-2021]
  • [Bugfix] Title above the standard share bar was not being translated when using WPML
  • [Improvement] Improved Gab logo
1.1.22 [4-2-2021]
  • [Bugfix] Color of Gab icon was not changing in the Standard Interface section in the admin area if changed from the Theme Selection section
1.1.21 [4-2-2021]
  • [New] Plugin now supports Gab for social sharing
  • [Bugfix] After the last update the checkbox, Disable Standard/Floating Sharing interface on this post, was appearing checked automatically in the Sassy Social Share Premium section at the post/page edit area in some cases
  • [Bugfix] Floating share bar was not appearing at the non-AMP web page when Reader mode was active in the settings of AMP plugin
  • [Improvement] Improved Whatsapp and Vkontakte social share icons
1.1.20 [29-1-2021]
  • [New] Added option to specify multiple Facebook App ID and Secret pairs to avoid reaching the limit imposed on the number of Facebook graph API requests
  • [New] Added Gab icon in the Social Media follow widget
  • [Bugfix] Plugin was causing problems when editing the pages and posts in the admin area
  • [Bugfix] Floating share bar was being displayed for a while on page-load even when it was set to show only on page-scroll
  • [Bugfix] Floating share bar was hiding on scrolling to footer even when not set to hide
  • [Improvement] Performance improvement
1.1.19 [27-1-2021]
  • [Improvement] Performance improvement
1.1.18 [23-12-2020]
  • [Bugfix] There were two Parler share icons appearing in the Rearrange Icons section at the configuration page and it was messing the layout of the social share bar at the front-end
1.1.17 [22-12-2020]
  • [New] Added option to show floating share bar on scrolling the web page and hide just before reaching the bottom
1.1.16 [3-12-2020]
  • [New] Added Parler share in the social share bar and Parler follow icon in the Social Media Follow Widget
  • [Bugfix] CSS files of the plugin were being updated on updating the plugin to the next version even when logo color was not customized from the Theme Selection section and this was generating a Wordfence alert
  • [Bugfix] CSS for the AMP Social Share icons was also being loaded at the normal web pages
  • [Improvement] Updated Facebook SDK to latest version 9.0
1.1.15 [18-11-2020]
  • [Bugfix] SMS share was placing // automatically in the Send To section
1.1.14 [12-10-2020]
  • [Bugfix] Clear Bitly cache and Clear share count cache buttons in the Miscellaneous section at Social Sharing options page were showing infinite loading
  • [Improvement] Performance improvement
1.1.13 [15-9-2020]
  • [Bugfix] Web pages being shared via the social share icons in the excerpts at the home page were not being tracked in the Google Analytics dashboard
  • [Improvement] Admin UI improvement
1.1.12 [20-8-2020]
  • [Bugfix] Plain background was not taking effect for Instagram share icon after configuring it from Miscellaneous section
  • [Bugfix] Sassy Social Share Premium - Follow Icons widget was generating error on AMP
  • [New] Added attribute text in the shortcode to specify custom text to share
  • [New] Added option in the Miscellaneous section to specify custom text to share
  • [Improvement] Updated ClipBoard JS to latest version 2.0.6
  • [Bugfix] FB messenger share was not working in the mobile devices
  • [New] Added new postmeta options to specify Pinterest rich pin meta tags for each web page individually
  • [Improvement] Post meta options for Twitter title, description and image card tags are now separate from the Facebook Open Graph Meta tags, in the edit section of individual web page
  • [Improvement] Updated Facebook JS SDK to latest version 7.0
  • [Bugfix] Bitly short url was not working
  • [New] Added option to customize subject and body of email share
  • [Bugfix] Email share popup was being triggered in the same browser tab instead of a new tab
  • [New] Added option to enable/disable myCRED Integration with Social Share
  • [Bugfix] Social Shares were not being tracked in Google Analytics dashboard in a few cases
1.1.6 [13-5-2020]
  • [Improvement] Performance improvement
  • [Improvement] Updated Facebook JS SDK to latest version 6.0
1.1.5 [20-3-2020]
  • [New] Added Goodreads share icon
  • [Bugfix] Title, Description and Image meta options in edit-post section were not working
1.1.4 [22-2-2020]
  • [Bugfix] Social Share layover popup was not responsive
1.1.3 [7-1-2020]
  • [Bugfix] Pinterest Pin button was appearing on hovering images even when this option was disabled
  • [Bugfix] Social Sharing was not working when installed this plugin without installing Sassy Social Share first and Enable Social Share PopUp option was enabled
1.1.2 [4-12-2019]
  • [Bugfix] Social Share Layover popup was not working in some cases
  • [Bugfix] Custom icons were also affecting share icons in More popup
  • [Bugfix] Instagram logo was appearing multicolored in the instances being displayed in admin area when there was custom background color saved in Theme Selection section
1.1.1 [28-11-2019]
  • [Bugfix] Previous version was breaking social share on custom posts
  • [New] Added option (in Miscellaneous section) to control if Javascript should be loaded on every page or only where it is needed
1.1 [27-11-2019]
  • [Bugfix] Click to Tweet shortcode was not working in some cases
  • [Improvement] Admin UI improvement
  • Initial release
1.1.52 [5-4-2023]
  • [Bugfix] Background-color of Parler share icon was not correct in the popup that appears after clicking the More icon
  • [Improvements] Admin UI improvements
1.1.51 [31-3-2023]
  • [New] Added Google News, RSS Feed and Rutube social share icons
  • [Bugfix] Google Analytics was not working
  • [Bugfix] post_title in the Email Subject option was not being replaced with the actual title in the Subject of the Email share dialogue
  • [Bugfix] post_url in the Email Body option was not being encoded in the Email share dialogue which was breaking it if it had querystring parameters
  • [Bugfix] Email subject and Email Body customization options were taking precedence over the email_subject and email_body attributes of the [Sassy_Social_Share_Premium] shortcode
  • [Bugfix] AOL Mail and Yahoo Mail share icons were not picking the Email Subject and Email Message from corresponding options in the Miscellaneous section
  • [Bugfix] Email share was not working if there was a single quote in the Email subject or Email body specified for the Email share in the Miscellaneous section or in the email_subject and email_body attributes in the [Sassy_Social_Share_Premium] shortcode
  • [Bugfix] Print icon was sharing the URL at instead of triggering the Print dialogue of browser
  • [Bugfix] post_title in the Email Subject option was not being replaced with the actual title in the Subject of the Email share dialogue
  • [Improvement] Added href attribute in the anchor tags for the Facebook Messenger, Print, Email, Pinterest and Copy Link share icons to fix the -Links are not crawlable- warning in the Google Search Console
  • [Improvement] Improved Print icon
  • [Improvement] Updated the official Facebook SDK being used throughout the plugin to the latest version 16.0
  • [Improvement] Performance improvements
1.1.50 [6-1-2023]
  • [Bugfix] Truth Social icon was not visible when using custom icons for social share
  • [Bugfix] Truth Social and Parler icons were not looking good when share counter position for social share was Inner top or Inner bottom
1.1.49 [3-1-2023]
  • [Security] Fixed Cross-Site Scripting vulnerability exploit in the shortcodes
  • [New] Added Social Share and Social Media Follow icons for Truth Social
  • [New] Added an option in the Miscellaneous section to show social shares when the total share count for a web page reaches certain number
  • [Bugfix] style attribute was not working in the [Sassy_Follow_Icons] shortcode
  • [Bugfix] Fixed the background-color of the Gmail share icon
  • [Bugfix] Twitter shares were not being fetched properly from
  • [Improvement] Now nested fields created by the ACF Pro plugin can also be pulled in the custom text being shared
  • [Improvement] Updated the official Facebook SDK being used throughout the plugin to the latest version 15.0
1.1.47 [27-10-2022]
  • [New] Placeholders can be used to pull values from the fields created by the Advanced Custom Fields PRO plugin, in the Custom text to share and Email body options in the Miscellaneous section
  • [Bugfix] Custom text to share option was overriding the Email subject and Email body for Email share
  • [Improvement] Performance improvement
1.1.45 [24-9-2022]
  • [New] Added new sub-option NA in the og:type and og:availability post meta options accessible below the post editor in the admin area
  • [New] Added Rutube social share icon
  • [Bugfix] Single quote used in the Email Body in the Miscellaneous section was appearing with backslash in the Email share dialogue
  • [Bugfix] Email subject and Email Body customization options were not working for Gmail and Outlook share
  • [Bugfix] Evernote and Pocket social share icons were not working
  • [Bugfix] Youtube URL and Instagram Username were not being saved when saving in the Floating Interface section first
  • [Improvement] Improved More social share icon
  • [Improvement] Improved Parler, Evernote and Pocket icons
1.1.44 [15-8-2022]
  • [Improvement] Total shares icon was not looking good in the screens of mobile devices
  • [Improvement] Improved display of the share count in the third premium theme
1.1.43 [9-7-2022]
  • [New] Added an option in the Social Share Buttons section to continue using the free theme instead of the premium ones
  • [New] Social media follow shortcode now supports Gettr icon
  • [Improvement] Improved Gettr icon
  • [Improvement] Improved animations
1.1.42 [24-6-2022]
  • [New] Added Mastodon social share icon
  • [New] Added new themes and animations for social share and social media follow icons
  • [Improvement] Updated Gettr icon
  • [Improvement] Updated the official Facebook SDK being used throughout the plugin to the latest version 14.0
  • [Improvement] Performance improvement
1.1.41 [2-5-2022]
  • [Bugfix] Feature to use your own custom social share icons was not working
1.1.40 [30-3-2022]
  • [Bugfix] Gettr share icon was not sharing the title of the web page
  • [Bugfix] Gettr share icon was sharing on Facebook in AMP
  • [Bugfix] Center alignment for the Standard share bar was not working in AMP
1.1.39 [30-3-2022]
  • [Security] Fixed two XSS Vulnerability issues
  • [New] Added an option to left, center and right align the icons in the Sassy Social Share Premium - Follow Icons widget
  • [Bugfix] SMS share icon was not sharing the correct web page
  • [Bugfix] Center alignment for the social share icons was not working
  • [Bugfix] Copy Link share icon in the More popup was not working
  • [Bugfix] myCRED Points for Linkedin shares were not being rewarded
  • [Bugfix] Floating mode was not functional in the social media follow widget
  • [Improvement] Anchor HTML tag for the More share icon now has an HREF attribute
  • [Improvement] Updated the official Facebook SDK being used throughout the plugin to the latest version 13.0
1.1.38 [26-2-2022]
  • [Bugfix] Viber icon was not sharing the correct URL
  • [Bugfix] Selecting Right or Bottom counter position was not displaying the share counts with the icons
  • [Improvement] Improved the font-size of the share count being displayed with the social share icons
  • [Improvement] Minor improvements
1.1.37 [25-1-2022]
  • [New] Added Gettr social share and social media follow icon
  • [Improvement] Extra CSS files will not be loaded anymore if you change the logo color of the icons
  • [Improvement] Updated the Facebook JS SDK being used throughout the plugin to the latest version 12.0
  • [Improvement] Improved HTML of the social share and social media follow icons meeting the W3C standards
  • [Bugfix] Whatsapp share was not triggering the app in the mobile device
  • [Bugfix] Selecting Floating type in the Follow Icons widget was not triggering the relevant extra options
  • [Security] Fixed XSS vulnerability
1.1.36 [22-12-2021]
  • [Bugfix] Social share icons were not responding in some cases
  • [Bugfix] Share Counts were not stable when using the shortcode or widget with share counts enabled and Save Share Counts locally option enabled
1.1.34 [25-11-2021]
  • [Improvement] Options to specify starting share count were not appearing when only total share count was enabled
1.1.33 [30-9-2021]
  • [New] Added Koo and Snapchat in the social share icons
  • [New] Added Koo in the social media follow icons
  • [Improvement] Performance improvement
1.1.32 [20-8-2021]
  • [New] Added a new option that allows you to use the starting share counts saved in the Sassy free version
  • [New] Added new attributes email_subject and email_body in the shortcode for social sharing
  • [Bugfix] PHP 8 was breaking the functionality in a few cases
  • [Bugfix] Options to specify starting share count were not appearing for some social networks
  • [Improvement] Performance improvement
1.1.31 [21-7-2021]
  • [Improvement] Shortcodes [Sassy_Social_Share] and [Sassy_Social_Share_Pro] can also be used to integrate social share icons
1.1.30 [13-6-2021]
  • [Bugfix] Exisitng Social Share counts of the free plugin were being ignored when saving shares locally
  • [Bugfix] Share counts were not working for the new posts when shares were being saved locally
1.1.29 [8-6-2021]
  • [New] Added a new option to save social shares in the database of website
  • [New] Added Baidu social share icon
  • [Bugfix] Pinterest share icon was not working in AMP
  • [Bugfix] Floating share Bar was not appearing at the home page when Yoast SEO plugin was active
  • [Improvement] Compatible with PHP 8
  • [Improvement] Performance improvement
1.1.28 [11-5-2021]
  • [Bugfix] Previous update was causing the share counts to double, triple frequently
1.1.27 [10-5-2021]
  • [Bugfix] Integration with Google Analytics was not working because of the recent changes introduced in the Google Analytics
  • [New] Added a new option to save social shares in the database of your website instead of depending upon social APIs
1.1.26 [11-4-2021]
  • [Bugfix] Plugin was not working with PHP 8.0
1.1.25 [27-3-2021]
  • [Improvement] Updated Facebook JS SDK being used throughout the plugin to the latest version 10.0
1.1.24 [1-3-2021]
  • [Improvement] Performance improvement
1.1.23 [11-2-2021]
  • [Bugfix] Title above the standard share bar was not being translated when using WPML
  • [Improvement] Improved Gab logo
1.1.22 [4-2-2021]
  • [Bugfix] Color of Gab icon was not changing in the Standard Interface section in the admin area if changed from the Theme Selection section
1.1.21 [4-2-2021]
  • [New] Plugin now supports Gab for social sharing
  • [Bugfix] After the last update the checkbox, Disable Standard/Floating Sharing interface on this post, was appearing checked automatically in the Sassy Social Share Premium section at the post/page edit area in some cases
  • [Bugfix] Floating share bar was not appearing at the non-AMP web page when Reader mode was active in the settings of AMP plugin
  • [Improvement] Improved Whatsapp and Vkontakte social share icons
1.1.20 [29-1-2021]
  • [New] Added option to specify multiple Facebook App ID and Secret pairs to avoid reaching the limit imposed on the number of Facebook graph API requests
  • [New] Added Gab icon in the Social Media follow widget
  • [Bugfix] Plugin was causing problems when editing the pages and posts in the admin area
  • [Bugfix] Floating share bar was being displayed for a while on page-load even when it was set to show only on page-scroll
  • [Bugfix] Floating share bar was hiding on scrolling to footer even when not set to hide
  • [Improvement] Performance improvement
1.1.19 [27-1-2021]
  • [Improvement] Performance improvement
1.1.18 [23-12-2020]
  • [Bugfix] There were two Parler share icons appearing in the Rearrange Icons section at the configuration page and it was messing the layout of the social share bar at the front-end
1.1.17 [22-12-2020]
  • [New] Added option to show floating share bar on scrolling the web page and hide just before reaching the bottom
1.1.16 [3-12-2020]
  • [New] Added Parler share in the social share bar and Parler follow icon in the Social Media Follow Widget
  • [Bugfix] CSS files of the plugin were being updated on updating the plugin to the next version even when logo color was not customized from the Theme Selection section and this was generating a Wordfence alert
  • [Bugfix] CSS for the AMP Social Share icons was also being loaded at the normal web pages
  • [Improvement] Updated Facebook SDK to latest version 9.0
1.1.15 [18-11-2020]
  • [Bugfix] SMS share was placing // automatically in the Send To section
1.1.14 [12-10-2020]
  • [Bugfix] Clear Bitly cache and Clear share count cache buttons in the Miscellaneous section at Social Sharing options page were showing infinite loading
  • [Improvement] Performance improvement
1.1.13 [15-9-2020]
  • [Bugfix] Web pages being shared via the social share icons in the excerpts at the home page were not being tracked in the Google Analytics dashboard
  • [Improvement] Admin UI improvement
1.1.12 [20-8-2020]
  • [Bugfix] Plain background was not taking effect for Instagram share icon after configuring it from Miscellaneous section
  • [Bugfix] Sassy Social Share Premium - Follow Icons widget was generating error on AMP
  • [New] Added attribute text in the shortcode to specify custom text to share
  • [New] Added option in the Miscellaneous section to specify custom text to share
  • [Improvement] Updated ClipBoard JS to latest version 2.0.6
  • [Bugfix] FB messenger share was not working in the mobile devices
  • [New] Added new postmeta options to specify Pinterest rich pin meta tags for each web page individually
  • [Improvement] Post meta options for Twitter title, description and image card tags are now separate from the Facebook Open Graph Meta tags, in the edit section of individual web page
  • [Improvement] Updated Facebook JS SDK to latest version 7.0
  • [Bugfix] Bitly short url was not working
  • [New] Added option to customize subject and body of email share
  • [Bugfix] Email share popup was being triggered in the same browser tab instead of a new tab
  • [New] Added option to enable/disable myCRED Integration with Social Share
  • [Bugfix] Social Shares were not being tracked in Google Analytics dashboard in a few cases
1.1.6 [13-5-2020]
  • [Improvement] Performance improvement
  • [Improvement] Updated Facebook JS SDK to latest version 6.0
1.1.5 [20-3-2020]
  • [New] Added Goodreads share icon
  • [Bugfix] Title, Description and Image meta options in edit-post section were not working
1.1.4 [22-2-2020]
  • [Bugfix] Social Share layover popup was not responsive
1.1.3 [7-1-2020]
  • [Bugfix] Pinterest Pin button was appearing on hovering images even when this option was disabled
  • [Bugfix] Social Sharing was not working when installed this plugin without installing Sassy Social Share first and Enable Social Share PopUp option was enabled
1.1.2 [4-12-2019]
  • [Bugfix] Social Share Layover popup was not working in some cases
  • [Bugfix] Custom icons were also affecting share icons in More popup
  • [Bugfix] Instagram logo was appearing multicolored in the instances being displayed in admin area when there was custom background color saved in Theme Selection section
1.1.1 [28-11-2019]
  • [Bugfix] Previous version was breaking social share on custom posts
  • [New] Added option (in Miscellaneous section) to control if Javascript should be loaded on every page or only where it is needed
1.1 [27-11-2019]
  • [Bugfix] Click to Tweet shortcode was not working in some cases
  • [Improvement] Admin UI improvement
  • Initial release